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Prescott is generally a safe town in which to reside; when night falls, you will want to lock your doors, but you will probably not fear going for a stroll.

Most crimes (when the suspect is not known to the victim) are opportunistic. Thefts occur when valuables are left in unlocked (and sometimes locked) vehicles or unsecured yards. Burglaries occur less frequently, and usually to businesses rather than private homes.

Gang activity is not unheard of, but is usually much less organized than in big cities. "Tagging" and various graffiti are experienced, but a local group responds to paint over the damage.

The Prescott Area Narcotics Task Force (PANT) is very effective in monitoring drug activity, and occasional raids and arrests made by PANT make headlines in the local newspapers.

Law enforcement in the city of Prescott is provided by the Prescott Police Department, and in the unincorporated area by the Yavapai County Sheriff's Department. Both agencies have DARE programs, and the Police Department provides bicycle and motorcycle officers in addition to cruisers.

The Prescott Fire Department has 5 stations located throughout the city. Prescott enjoys an Insurance Services Organization rating of Class 4, the lowest rating in Yavapai County. Prescott Fire Department is the Primary Care Provider and provides Paramedics at each call. The local ambulance may or may not have Paramedic level care, but is used for transport.

Sources for this page:
City of Prescott

Opinions are solely those of the writers at